7 Feb 2017

Palestine & The Joys of Flying


“Currently, I am on the plane to Munich where I ought to catch a connecting flight direct to Manchester. The problem is, this plane was delayed at take-off so I have every chance of missing the connection. I will have to wait and see what they will do….

I am full of a range of emotions after spending the last 4 days in Palestine and travelling to Ramallah via Israel. The contrast between the two places is vast and check points and walls make for sober viewing. As you travel across the dividing line, the roads and buildings change from super modern and in good repair to potholed and incomplete.

Rachel Gadsden talking about her work.

I am adding my dreams to those of the Palestinian and Israeli people who hope that one day this conflict will end – it is a hope that sustains them and I hope that the world will help both nations to end the standoff to bring lasting peace.

Now for an account of my work – I was based in Ramallah, just 6km north of Jerusalem at the Palestine Red Crescent Society [PRCS]. It is a wonderful place and full of so many diverse people and organisations; I was very pleased that the ‘Disability Arts: Challenges and Successes’ event took place in that location. It was the first time ever that a series of debates on disability and the arts had been held in Palestine with people coming from across the country – except Gaza as the people there are not allowed to leave under any circumstances. Many disabled people were present, in such great numbers. We heard presentations from government initiatives through to the work of social activists and how they are using the arts for social change. Rachel Gadsden and I each spoke about our work and the impact we set out to deliberately achieve through basing our work on the social model of disability to explain the political context of our work. This had positive impact, as some key policy makers wish to discuss this further, so I will be looking forward to assisting in some new developments. I was especially pleased about the conversations we had with disabled people and the examples of their work. The rest of the seminar was taken up with talks about arts therapy models – they do have an important role in current developments, but I found it slightly reverting to the past and not looking at the development of artists as leaders and the potential of disability and Deaf arts. Trying to explain about the lived experience and cultural identity as dis/deaf people, indicates that there is still a way to go – but the talks have begun. I wish I could have done some more in depth workshop sessions – but maybe next time.

The Palestine Red Crescent Society. (The Seminar Venue)

Watching Rachel Gadsden work was amazing – she is so gifted, using the drawing workshop to help identify barriers and issues facing each person. It was deeply moving. I actually produced four live Facebook videos from the sessions and one was particularly emotional. I felt that I was invading lives but they assured me that they want their stories to be told.

The next day it was arranged for us to visit the newly built Palestine Museum, the Director, Dr Mahmoud Hawari, has spent most of his career in the UK and returned to establish this Museum of Contemporary and Traditional Palestinian life. They have no permanent collection as yet and made this an opening statement on their political position – he is a visionary and we even talked about getting a disability event/exhibition planned for the future. It is a beautiful and quite accessible building and when it opens properly in September this year, it will be a jewel in Palestine’s crown. I so hope we meet again and also link some of my contacts with them.

The view from the Palestine Museum.

A government disability audit recently claimed that just 7% of Palestine’s population of around 4.5 million are Disabled people – around 50% of these are thought to be disabled through the conflict: mines, shrapnel, bombs, bullets etc. I do however think there are many more disabled people, as there are still some negative opinions of disability and huge stigma – some are kept hidden at home and never allowed out, most never achieve in school or will ever work. Women have a particularly hard time as most disabled people will not get married, therefore they will lack status and respect in society. Also, institutionalisation is a real issue for many disabled people – one wonderful woman I met says her childhood was stolen and that she feels that it was like a prison sentence.

There is a will to change things and change them fast. The British Council has made disability arts one of its top five priorities and I applaud them, as they are helping to change issues by supporting local artists, NGO’s and linking them with artists and organisations from the UK. It is really making an impact and to witness and be a part of it first hand was a privilege.

I also met other key people and will be chasing and linking up the contacts once back in the office, doesn’t look like it will be tomorrow!

My last visit was such an exciting one, Suha, the British Council Officer who made the whole event happen arranged for me to be taken to Bethlehem to meet a theatre group. They have worked in Liverpool with Brouhaha and Contacting the World in 2008 at LIPA – so we knew the same people. They have been working to create work by and with disabled people and their approaches are very ground breaking. One exciting development is that Bethlehem will be City of Culture in 2020, so we are now in talks about the possibility of a mini festival being programmed to link us and them with DaDaFest International. The group is headed up by a formidable woman, Marina, and I am thrilled to have met her – the energy and exuberance she brings is infectious. We are going to start talking ASAP via Skype.

The “I Love Bethlehem” sign and Ruth Gould.

After this last meeting I had my one tourist opportunity – to visit the church of the Nativity. Such a pivotal point for Christians around the world and I was glad of the opportunity. I also went up close to the walls that separate the two nations and heard more stories which made me so, so sad.

A wall and watchtower in Bethlehem.

Then off to the airport: this time we drove through three check points and were only pulled over as we entered the airport compound. Even though we were in a car with diplomatic licence plates, the driver and I had our passports and identity info taken away. It felt like an age before they came back and then I was questioned as to why I was in Israel. It felt sad as I knew I couldn’t say I had been to Palestine, so said I was working with the British Council with disability arts events, this wasn’t a lie exactly, but I daren’t mention that it was in Ramallah as I am sure they would have kept us longer.

At the airport it took ages to get through security. I had my passport checked three times and when going through the scanners the customs people were unhappy that I have no medical evidence about my titanium implants – they kept saying I should have medical documentation to prove it. After 30 mins waiting, my passport was taken away again: a young security guard eventually came with a wand and only checked my arms – totally ignoring my knee. Bit of a waste of time really. Then just when I thought it was all done – I had to go through yet another passport control point to get to the duty free section. There were long queues and I was expecting the worst. I handed the passport through the window and the customs man said, ‘Oh, you are from Liverpool. I love Liverpool’. I asked if he had been, to which he said no, but follows Liverpool Football Club, mentioning Suarez! He then said “I hope you have enjoyed your stay” and passed back my passport and slip to leave the country! It must have been less than a minute! It was a nice end to what I deem the worst aspect of travelling.

I will let you know how I get on at Munich….

I’m on the plane – just! We arrived with 15mins to spare and as we disembarked there were lots of staff ready to tell us which gate to run to – mine was H24 – I hobbled as fast as I could along eight long corridors, then had to go through the full whack of security again! I was starting to lose it, I haven’t had a cardio workout for some time and could hardly breathe or talk. After taking off my boots, explaining about the implants trying to see if I would still make it on time, the customs persons had to ‘wand’ every inch of me – including the soles of my feet. Once cleared, I tried to gather my things as quickly as possible and promptly fell flat on my face. The shame. But, I was up in a flash and racing to the gate, being the last to arrive. The airline staff could see I was losing it and helped me calm down, I gave them my boarding pass and I’m now on the flight – breathing steady, pulse – 89 beats a minute and decreasing. I am getting too old for this. Lesson of the day – don’t do any more connecting flights. Pulse now 74 as I’m nearly home! :)”

Ruth Gould MBE

More news from DaDaFest

9 Jul 2024
Someone leans over a desk with a pan in hand writing a letter. Words overlaid 'Dear New Government, An open letter from DaDa'

Dear New Government, From DaDa

DaDa writes an open letter to our new Prime Minister to offer some ideas of key arts and access priorities.

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25 Jun 2024
Jackie Hagan sit ons a toilet

Tribute to Jackie Hagan

DaDa pays tribute to artist and activist Jackie Hagan.

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5 Jun 2024
Collage of images of dancers, artists and musicians with green box over saying 'Call out for artist commissions DaDaFest 40th Anniversary Festival'

Call Out for Artist Commissions: DaDaFest 40th Anniversary Festival

Two commissions available for #DDFI40

Deadline 12th July!

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21 May 2024
Black and white headshots of the 5 new board members alongside a DaDa logo

DaDa Welcome Dynamic New Board Members

DaDa welcomes 5 new board members

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24 Apr 2024
Patrick Bannon, a RAWD associate artist, stood outside the Open Eye gallery. He wears a silver jacket, with a NASA hoodie, He is being filmed by Jay

Leap Dance Festival brings dance events to the streets and theatres of Liverpool! 26th April - 10th May 2024

DaDa have partnered with Liverpool City Council and supported Leap through a co-commissioned short film developed by RAWD.

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8 Mar 2024
Porcelain wearing black leotard holds 4 fingers up to the camera. The IWD logo is bottom right

Porcelain Presents Toilet Paper Diaries for International Women's Day 2024

A performance of Porcelain Delaney's Show 'Toilet Paper Diaries' Premieres online to 'Inspire Inclusion' on IWD 2024

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28 Feb 2024
Rushton lecture image showing Ashok along with funder logos and timings stating online from 28th Feb

DaDa’s Edward Rushton Social Justice Lecture Premieres Online

DaDa’s Rushton Lecture ‘Reclaiming Nonchalance’ presented by Ashokkumar Mistry premieres online 

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8 Feb 2024
Pink background with white writing saying

DaDa Richard III Statement

DaDaFest has signed the Disabled Artist Alliance’s open letter alongside over 200 individuals and organisations regarding the Globe’s announcement of Richard III casting of a non-disabled actor in the lead role.

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6 Dec 2023
Banner image of headshots of Alia Alzougbi, Amina Atiq and Dolly Sen with Fly the flag logo between, DaDa logo above.

DaDa Artists 'Fly the Flag'

DaDa artists join 'Fly the Flag' campaign to mark the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 

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5 Dec 2023
Image of Liverpool Town Hall at night lit up yellow and blue

Liverpool lights up for International Day of Persons with Disabilities

City buildings lit up in turquise and yellow for the International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2023

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30 Nov 2023
DaDa announcement post for the annual Rushton Lecture, featuring an image of Ashok Mistry, the speaker at the lecture. with funder logos

Rushton Lecture Panel Confirmed

Edward Rushton Social Justic Lecture takes place 3rd Dec 2023.

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16 Nov 2023
Image of drag artist Filla Crack in a sparkly golden dress and orange wig.

DaDa Announce Dazzling Cabaret Line Up

Unity Theatre play host to a captivating evening of deaf, disabled and neurodivergent artists.

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15 Nov 2023
Two images on the same woman on a red background. In one image she is smiling, and composed wearing a blue tutu. In the other her skin is turning red

DaDa Fellow's New Show 'Toilet Paper Diaries' is Coming!

DaDa Fellow Porcelain Delaney brings her new show 'Toilet Paper Diaries' to Unity Theatre this month.

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1 Nov 2023
DaDa Winter Programme, Toilet paper diaries, DaDa Cabaret and Rushton Lecture shown with winter scene

DaDaFest Winter Programme 2023

Join DaDa events to warm up the winter nights.

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28 Sep 2023
Headshot of Ashok Mistry, looking upwards and smiling. Ashok has grey short hair and is wearing a yellow t-shirt. Behind is colourful abstract art

DaDa Announce Ashok Mistry as Keynote for Rushton Lecture 2023

DaDa announce keynote Ashokkumar D Mistry as keynote for their annual Rushton Lecture. 

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27 Sep 2023
B & W Mark Peachy with National Inclusion Week logo & quote

DaDa Artists Reflect on 'Inclusion'

This National Inclusion Week we reached out to DaDa artists to find out their thoughts on inclusion within the arts sector. 

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26 Sep 2023
Cabaret performer Diva Hollywood is dressed as a sexy lion tamer, with curly blond wig, bright cabaret style make up and holding a whip

Artist Call Out for DaDa Cabaret Showcase

DaDa is on the hunt for performance pieces by Northwest based Deaf, disabled and Neurodivergent artists for a cabaret night on Friday November 24 2023

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25 Sep 2023
National inclusion Week Logo. Inside a red circle reads #TakeActionMakeImpact

DaDa insights for National Inclusion Week 2023

For National Inclusion Week 2023 DaDaFest reflect on how they are striving to improve inclusion.

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17 Aug 2023
Image of DaDa’s Access & Support Coordinator is to the left with grey hair tied back and a black jumper. She stands next to two of the team from blue

Arts and Access at Edinburgh Fringe 2023

DaDa team have been taking in shows by Deaf and disabled artists at Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2023 and keeping an eye out for access initiatives.

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15 Aug 2023
Liverpool Black History Month Logo in Black and Yellow

Liverpool Black History Month Creative Commission grants

Culture Liverpool have a call out for artists with ideas on how Liverpool can celebrate Black History Month 

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2 Aug 2023
Image of black woman author Natalie Denny with long black hair, smiling wearing a long sleeve green top.

DaDa Interviews Author Natalie Denny

DaDaFest interview children's author Natalie Denny about the release of her book Keisha Jones Takes on the World

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30 Jul 2023
Michael - Electric guitar Tyler - Drums Zak - Drums Mathew - Keyboard Jenny - Percussion

DaDa Young Ensemble light up Resonate Hub

DaDa Young Ensemble showcased their latest compositions and covers at Resonate Hub.

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13 Jul 2023
Dancer in jeans and white t-shirt carries dancer in wheelchair held sideways towards a screen showing a large image of a hand in teal

DaDa collaborates with Liverpool Biennial to present ‘Unmute’ dance theatre featuring local artists

DaDaFest support Unmute Dance Theatre to collaborate with local artists for Liverpool Biennial 2023

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22 Jun 2023
Ensemble performers pictured Johanna Jacob (Voice) Green top, Michael Brennan (guitar) in a blue and wuite checked shirt, Matthew Nealis (Keyboard)

The DaDa x Philharmonic Ensemble Performance 8th June

Liverpool Philharmonic Youth Company and DaDa Ensemble presented new work at the music rooms in Royal Liverpool Philharmonic on 8th June. 

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5 May 2023
5 portraits of artists arranged like brown glass with the words 'Permission to Speak' around them

It's Deaf Awareness Week 2023!

Celebrating Deaf Awareness Week with resources and throwbacks! 

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1 May 2023
Dancers in a dark performance space. One lies on the ground, supporting the other who is a wheelchair user, as she tilts herself over him

Join our project with Liverpool Biennial!

Seeking disabled, Deaf and/or neurodivergent dancers to collaborate on a Liverpool Biennial performance

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24 Apr 2023
Brown haired man stood alongside a black and white photographic self-portrait showing different images of himself superimposed on one another

A DaDa-debuted portrait at LCR photo awards!

Continued success for Mark Peachey's 'Keep Clear' following its inaugural showing at DaDaFest International 2022

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15 Mar 2023
Black and white headshot of an Indonesian woman in profile with her dark hair in a pixie-cut hairstyle

'The Bodymind as Un-colony' - On Demand version released

An On Demand verison of our 2022 Rushton Lecture is now available

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1 Mar 2023
Indie/rock gig featuring 2 keyboardists, a bassist, a drummer and a vocalist

We're hiring!

Join the DaDa team as our Operations & Finance Manager

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27 Feb 2023
Person with long hair onstage alongside a BSL interpreter

DaDa at the Arts Marketing Association

Accessing Digital Culture - DaDa heads to the AMA 

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21 Feb 2023
Digital banner with a pink & yellow colour-scheme reading '2023 Longlisted Digital Transformation' above some small logos

Digital Culture Awards - DaDa Holograms makes the longlist!

DaDa Holograms nominated and more!

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31 Jan 2023
Performer onstage wearing a white shirt smiling at her phone

Have your say!

Did you join us for the latest DaDa festival? Let us know what you thought!

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23 Jan 2023

DaDaFest International Festival 2022 - thanks for joining us!

Huge success for DaDa's 2022 hybrid programme!

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16 Nov 2022
Hexagonal pattern including the DaDa logo, which is a lightning bolt-shaped speech bubble containing the word 'DaDa'

DDFI2022 half-way point and UK Disability History Month!

DaDaFest International Festival and UK Disability History Month!

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4 Nov 2022
DaDa logo, which is a lighting bolt-shaped speech bubble contaning the word 'DaDa'

Announcing further funding for DaDa!

DaDa news - National Portfolio Organisation funding!

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10 Oct 2022
Geometric patterns and the DaDa logo on a blue background

DaDaFest International 2022 - Autumn programme announcement!

6 weeks of disability and Deaf arts programming from 26 October until 3 December

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26 Sep 2022
A person carrying out tech duties for a theatre production, their face illuminated by a laptop screen in what is otherwise a pitch black space.

Reflections on Ed Fringe accessibility

Thoughts from DaDa's Executive Producer about accessibility at the Edinburgh Fringe

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20 Jun 2022

Letty McHugh's Book of Hours Launch

Join Letty in person or online for the launch of Book of Hours

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13 Jun 2022

Shielded in the Community

A call out for you to take part.

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23 May 2022

DaDaFest International 2022 Launch Day

Keep Sunday 12 June free for events across the city.

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16 May 2022

Award nomination for Joe Strickland

Our Executive Producer has been nominated for a Best Director award.

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10 May 2022
Headshots of two young men, Mal Lidgett and Oliver Cross, against a yellow background

DaDa Incubator: Lead Musician Trainees

Announcing our Lead Musician Trainee programme and its participants!

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5 May 2022
Young people onstage wearing party hats

DaDa at NSDF 2022!

DaDa x NSDF company-members are a hit at NSDF 2022!

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6 Apr 2022

A statement from DaDa's Board

Wishing our outgoing joint Artistic Director & CEOs every success in future endeavours

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4 Apr 2022
Image of a mouth biting a pearl necklace against a backdrop which resembles a dirty tablecloth

DaDa x NSDF presents 'Reservation'

DaDa x NSDF company-members present a brand new theatre piece 

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31 Mar 2022
Two images side by side showing performers appearing via augmented reality

DaDa Holograms: conclusions from our research

Conclusions from our BSL 'holograms' R&D

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25 Mar 2022
A young performer stood opposite a BSL interpreter projected on the wall

DaDa Holograms: Phase 3

Phase 3 of our DaDa Holograms R&D, featuring Adam Fenton

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23 Mar 2022
Screenshot from editing software displaying footage of a table onto which augmented reality versions of two performer are projected

DaDa Holograms: Industry Day

A sharing of our R&D findings, and how to attend

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17 Mar 2022
A collage of images of performer, Rhiannon May, in various different poses all lit in purple and pink lighting

DaDa Holograms: Phase 2

Phase 2 of our DaDa Holograms R&D, this time featuring Rhiannon May 

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8 Mar 2022
A BSL interpreter against a digital block colour green background

DaDa Holograms: Phase 1

A collaboration with Chronic Insanity for Phase 1 of our DaDa Holograms R&D

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2 Mar 2022
The British Council logo is white text on a blue background. There are 4 dots in a square and next to them are the worlds British Council

Artist Call Out: Pen Pals Connected

Artist Call Out for British Council funded, International Collaborative Correspondence Project in 2022

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28 Feb 2022
Poster reading ADHD The Musical above a cartoon of a woman whose face is obscured by a brain

DaDa-supported musical now touring!

Dora Colquhoun's DaDa-supported ADHD-themed musical is now on tour

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11 Feb 2022
An image taken outside the museum of Liverpool including a colourful Superlambanana sculpture and passersby

DaDa partners with BBC Writersroom!

Apply now for our opportunity in partnership with BBC Writersroom!

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3 Feb 2022
The words 'Welcome to Without Walls 2022 against a pink and purple swirly background

Without Walls Programme Announcement

Announcing the programme for Without Walls 2022!

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12 Jan 2022
A square of the Black Gold Arts logo and the Dada logo

STROLLERS Performer Call Out

DaDa and Black Gold Arts are creating a new piece of street theatre to tour outdoor festivals in 2022 and beyond - want to get involved?

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3 Dec 2021
Headshots of young people alongside text reading 'DaDa x NSDF #IDDP' against a yellow background

International Day of Disabled People: Perspectives from DaDa x NSDF members

Work by members of our DaDa x NSDF company for International Day of Disabled People

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4 Nov 2021
A toy unicorn emerging from an egg

DaDaFest Scratch 21: Full programme annnounced

Today marks the beginning of DaDaFest Scratch 21, and what's more, we can now reveal the festival's full lineup!

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2 Nov 2021

Live from the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic - the DaDa Ensemble!

Join us in person or online for the opening of DaDaFest Scratch 21!

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26 Oct 2021
Collage of images featuring artists from the Without Walls programme

DaDa joins Without Walls

Find out about our exciting new working partnership.

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14 Oct 2021

Don't miss a DaDa-supported hip-hop sharing!

Watch the culmination of BlackFest's Hip Hop Dance For All workshops, supported by DaDa.

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5 Oct 2021
A young man onstage playing an electric guitar

Youth Music funding for DaDa Ensemble member

DaDa Ensemble member, Josh Henderson, receives a Youth Music grant

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29 Sep 2021
Headshots of the DaDa Fellows, eight diverse artists on a yellow background alongside the DaDa logo, which is a lightning bolt-shaped speech bubble

DaDa Fellows 2021

Introducing the first cohort of DaDa Fellows

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29 Jul 2021
Four women onstage during a discussion. One holds a microphone and is speaking, two are listening to her and the other is a sign language interpreter

Unity Theatre Programme: DaDaFest Scratch and more!

DaDaFest-supported artists and events in Unity Theatre's 2021 season 

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29 Jul 2021
Mind the Gap's logo, which is a square speech bubble containing the words 'MIND THE GAP'

Mind the Gap Assistant Director Call Out

A new opportunity from Mind the Gap to work with Nickie Miles-Wildin

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21 Jul 2021
Three dancers onstage under purple and green lighting. The foremost is on their knees with their arms spread out dramatically.

Call Out: vogue house seeks performers

House of Suarez are looking for Deaf and disabled artists to get involved in vogue culture and events

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29 Jun 2021
Headshots of Nickie Miles-Wildin and Adam Fenton

'Tuning In' with Adam Fenton

Takeaways from Adam Fenton's play performed over Zoom, directed by Nickie Miles-Wildin

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3 Jun 2021
Young people onstage, the foremost of which has long brown hair, wears denim dungarees with a pink tshirt and is looking offstage to her left.

Call Out: DaDaFest x NSDF

An opportunity for young Deaf, disabled and neurodivergent artists to come together and create work for NSDF festival. 

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24 May 2021

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Statement

Today, 24 May 2021, we would like to share DaDaFest’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion statement. 

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12 May 2021

Tune in to a new rehearsed reading!

A DaDaFest-supported Adam Fenton sharing with GRAEAE and Theatre by the Lake

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7 May 2021

Fests in the North West!

Fab festivals to check out in Liverpool and Manchester

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28 Apr 2021

DaDaFest Florescence Fellows

Meet the DaDaFest Florescence Fellows!

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27 Apr 2021

Aidan Moesby's Digital Café

From a DaDaFest Library Commission to a Digital Café!

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15 Mar 2021

DaDaFest Ensemble musician call out

Are you a musician with a passion for creating new music?

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17 Feb 2021

Nickie Miles-Wildin and Grace Ng announced as new joint head of Liverpool’s DaDaFest

We're very excited to announce our new joint Artistic Director & CEO

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2 Feb 2021

Hip Hop Dance project with Blackfest!

DaDaFest is supporting a series of workshops from Blackfest, making hip hop dance accessible to d/Deaf or disabled participants

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4 Dec 2020

Translations: Your Feedback

Please fill in our questionnaire about your experience of Translations.

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3 Dec 2020

Coming Soon...

Here are some exciting events to look forward to in 2021 from DaDaFest.

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28 Nov 2020

Artist Blog: The Making of First Do No Harm

Find out about Helen Seymour's piece featured in our festival programme!

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30 Oct 2020

Panels, Q&As and more additions to our Festival programme!

Panels, podcasts and further additions to our DaDaFest International programme!

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27 Oct 2020

Call out for participants - "Scars: Memories of the Skin"

Share your story as part of Ngozi Ugochukwu's DaDaFest International exhibition. 

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27 Oct 2020

Call out for underrepresented BSL interpreters

A call out for registered interpreters who identify as LGBTQIA+ and/or as BIPOC

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23 Oct 2020

CEO / Artistic Director Job

We are looking for someone to lead DaDaFest into our next phase.

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15 Oct 2020

DaDaFest International Programme Announcement!

Find out what's in store from our 2020 festival line-up!

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25 Sep 2020

Join the cast of Laurence Clark's 'Cured'

Apply to join the cast of 'Cured', a play in development with Liverpool's Royal Court

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22 Sep 2020

Deaf Rave Festival 2020

Countdown to Deaf Rave Festival 2020 this weekend!

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10 Sep 2020

Meet the Artists in Translations 2020

We're pleased to announce some of the artists who'll be taking part in DaDaFest International 2020: Translations.

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27 Aug 2020

A call out for d/Deaf, disabled or neurodivergent composers

This call out is from Psappha, the Manchester based music ensemble.

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25 Aug 2020

Celebrating 50 years of Alf’s Act with Manchester Histories

Remembering the world's first legislation around disability.

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19 Aug 2020

Inclusion at DaDaFest: New plans and policies

An update on diversity within DaDaFest

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5 Aug 2020

Introducing our Digital Producer

Introducing the latest addition to the DaDaFest team!

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31 Jul 2020

Our Artist Call Out is now closed!

After an exciting month of receiving submissions from around the world, applications for our DaDaFest Commissions have now closed across all three strands. 

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7 Jul 2020

Venice International Performance Art Week: Pierce Starre's Reflections

Reflections on Venice International Performance Art Week from live artist, Pierce Starre

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30 Jun 2020

We Shall Not Be Removed Alliance

We've joined a new disability arts alliance. Find out more about the campaign!

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26 Jun 2020

Artist Call Out: Libraries Commission

A brand new call out for work by disabled artists themed around libraries.

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18 Jun 2020

A statement from DaDaFest

Addressing the need for change and a more intersectional approach.

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8 Jun 2020

Artist Call Out for New Commissions

Updates on our festival and a new call out for work by disabled artists!

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13 May 2020

Broken Biscuits at LightNight at home

Celebrate #LightNightAtHome with a DaDaFest commission.

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28 Apr 2020

Top Tammy Reynolds moments!

Celebrate good news from a DaDaFest-supported artist by revisiting our events.

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24 Apr 2020

Support for Frontline Workers

Result CIC are offering support sessions to frontline workers. Get in touch!

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18 Apr 2020

Funding opportunities for artists

An overview of Arts Council Emergy Funding and more paid opportunities

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2 Apr 2020

DaDaFest Scratch: Our Advisors' Review

Our advisory group give us their thoughts on DaDaFest Scratch at Unity Theatre. 

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20 Mar 2020
world thumbnail

COVID-19: an update from DaDaFest

Following government guidance and in order to protect our artists, participants and staff, the DaDaFest office will be closed until further notice, with all team-members now working remotely. 

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21 Feb 2020

'Footsteps Quiet in Shadow' - Ben Lunn tells us more!

With DaDaFest-supported concert, ‘Footsteps Quiet in Shadow’ coming up, 4 March at The Bluecoat, we asked composer, Ben Lunn, to tell as a bit more about the line-up. 

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31 Jan 2020

Marshmallows and #SquadGoals

Find out what we learned from our Rushton/Raw day of events.


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13 Jan 2020

Call Out: DaDaFest Advisors

We are looking for D/deaf or disabled individuals with a passion for the arts to join our group of advisors and help shape the future of DaDaFest. Could this be you?

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29 Oct 2019

DaDaFest and Unity Theatre announce exciting new partnership

DaDaFest is delighted to announce a brand new partnership with innovative, radical and pioneering Liverpool arts venue, Unity Theatre.

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29 Oct 2019

DaDaFest Artist Self-Development Programme

We are excited to be launching a programme of workshops and one-to-one coaching sessions for artists who identify as disabled or D/deaf*.

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28 Oct 2019

Dr Erin Pritchard chairs panel discussion at Disabled Women in Arts and Culture: Who’s Calling the Shots?

We are delighted to have Dr Erin Pritchard act as chair of the panel discussion of our landmark event.

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30 Aug 2019

Artistic Director Ruth Gould leaves DaDaFest

After almost 20 years of service, Ruth Gould is leaving DaDaFest to move on to pastures new. 

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29 May 2019

Introducing…DaDaFest Ensemble!

Our very first DaDaFest Scratch is fast approaching and in the lead up, we would like to introduce you to some of the talented artists who will be performing at the event.

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1 May 2019

DaDaFest Scratch

DaDaFest is launching a new programme of events over the next three years to celebrate the best of disability art in the North West. 

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30 Apr 2019

Pupils invited to music premiere!

Free live music experience direct to the classroom. 

DaDaFest Ensemble to perform new composition, live from Liverpool Philharmonic.

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25 Jan 2019

Get a taste of the creative industries

As part of DaDaFest’s Artist Development Programme, we are offering ten placements within the creative industries. 

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24 Jan 2019

Introducing our new Chair…Sally Gannon

We are delighted to introduce Sally Gannon as the new Chair on our Board of Trustees. Sally joins us from Liverpool John Moores University where she is Strategic Planning Officer.

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22 Jan 2019

We’ve opened registration to our Artist Development programme

We can help you achieve your goals.

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10 Dec 2018

DaDaFest International 2018 hailed a success

Thousands of visitors from across the UK and beyond experienced the five-week DaDaFest International which took place at host venues across the Liverpool City Region.

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5 Dec 2018

Artistic Director Ruth Gould appointed as one of five new Patrons to Graeae Theatre Company

We are delighted to announce that our Artistic Director, Ruth Gould, has been appointed as one of five new Patrons to Graeae Theatre Company.

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3 Dec 2018

International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2018

We are delighted to be parterning with Liverpool City Council to celebrate International Day of Persons with Disabilities, a day which aims to promote an understanding of disability issues.

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27 Nov 2018

DaDaFest International 2018 Emerging Artists: Destination Sound

Destination Sound is a platform for new music celebrating the talent and creativity of Disabled musicians.

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20 Nov 2018

DaDaFest International 2018 Emerging Artists: Jordan Connerty

There are some amazing emerging artists who are performing new work as part of DaDaFest International 2018. We are following a few of them as they make their way to the stage.

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20 Nov 2018

Acclaimed disability arts organisation DaDaFest work with Alder Hey Children’s Hospital

Performers visited patients at Liverpool’s Alder Hey Children’s Hospital to stage a special dance performance organised by DaDaFest.

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20 Nov 2018

Francesca Martinez visits two North West venues as part of DaDaFest International 2018

The award-winning comedian brings her What The **** Is Normal show to Liverpool and St Helens

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31 Oct 2018

A handy at-a-glance festival event list

We've put together a handy list of all the events that are taking place throughout DaDaFest International 2018.

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31 Oct 2018

A festival chat with our Artistic Director

We sat down with our Artistic Director, Ruth Gould, to have a chat about DaDaFest International 2018. 

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25 Sep 2018

DaDaFest announce their festival programme

DaDaFest International returns to Liverpool City Region venues this autumn showcasing a series of high-quality cutting-edge work.

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28 Jun 2018

Announcing...Sir Ken Robinson!

We are delighted to have on board a new patron.

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28 Jun 2018

DaDaFest International 2018 announced with performance by Jess Thom

Award-winning disability and D/deaf arts organisation DaDaFest announces Merseyside wide festival this November.

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26 Apr 2018

Performers and theatre makers call out

Unity Theatre, Action Transport Theatre and DaDaFest are working together to create a high quality seasonal show based on the story of Beauty and the Beast for family audiences in December 2018.

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16 Oct 2017

Sir Bert Massie CBE

Last night we heard the sad news that Sir Bert Massie has passed away.

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13 Sep 2017

Daphne Does Good at DaDaFest

Agony Aunt, Daphne will be the very, very special guest at DaDaFest’s Past, Present & Possibilities at the Bluecoat

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22 Aug 2017

Introduction from Ruth Gould

Greetings friends, comrades, supporters and visitors. 

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14 Jul 2017

Past, Present & Possibilities.

Celebrating 300 years of the Bluecoat

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29 Jun 2017

Creative UK Prosper Programme

A good week just got even better! 

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23 Jun 2017

Thank you Chris…

It was with great sadness that I learnt of Chris Hammond’s passing this week

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14 Jun 2017

DaDaFest in the Spotlight

Barry Avison featured on ITV’s Good Morning.

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25 May 2017

Congratulations Ruth

Awarded an Honorary Fellowship by  Liverpool John Moores University

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25 May 2017

Call Out For Bluecoat 300

DaDaFest Mini-Commissions

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30 Mar 2017

My trip to Yerevan, Armenia

I was lucky to be offered to opportunity to visit Yerevan in Armenia.

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1 Mar 2017

Young Disabled People Putting Together Our Arts Festival

"If art, all art, is concerned with truth, then a society in denial will not find much use for it."

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24 Feb 2017

Young DaDa Ensemble Project Video

Watch a fantastic new video from our pioneering Young DaDa Ensemble 

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7 Feb 2017

Palestine & The Joys of Flying

Currently, I am on the plane to Munich where I ought to catch a connecting flight direct to Manchester.

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25 Jan 2017

3 Days in Ramallah, Palestine

Two days in and I am in love

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25 Jan 2017

Under the Skin with Jenny Sealey MBE

Under the Skin is a series of interviews conducted during DaDaFest International 2016. 

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23 Jan 2017

Under the Skin with John McGrath

Under the Skin is a series of interviews conducted during DaDaFest International 2016.

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18 Jan 2017

My Time at DaDaFest

Rebecca Andrews our Digital Marketing Apprentice finished her apprenticeship this month.

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5 Jan 2017

Young DaDaFest 2017 Open Call

Showcasing the creativity of disabled and deaf young people from Merseyside.

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1 Nov 2016

Respect Project 2016 Open Workshops

Are you a young woman aged 16 or over? Would you like to have your voice heard?

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26 Oct 2016

Young DaDaFest 2017 Announcement

Young DaDaFest will return bigger and better than ever for 2017!

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16 Aug 2016

DaDaFest Receives Funding

DaDaFest is delighted to announce that we have received a grant from Big Lottery Fund for “DaDaFest Rookies”.

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27 Jul 2016

Young DaDaFest Perform

I was really excited to see Young DaDaFest

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12 Jul 2016

Young DaDaFest 2016: Music Review

Guest reviewer Tammy Reynolds sums up her thoughts on the first of this year’s Young DaDaFest events

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3 May 2016

Xander & The Peace Pirates

Xander & The Peace Pirates Perform for our Young DaDa Ensemble

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26 Apr 2016

Young DaDaFest 2016 Announcement

Award Nominated Young DaDaFest Expands into Trio of Events 

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25 Nov 2015

DaDaFest Hosts First Ever Rushton Social Justice Lecture

DaDaFest Hosts First Ever Rushton Social Justice Lecture

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17 Feb 2015

Young DaDaFest 2015 – Open Call

This year’s Young DaDaFest will be happening at the Everyman Theatre.

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21 Jan 2015

Watch Recipe for Scouse Online Now

Young DaDa Recipe for Scouse Film is available to watch online.

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