Culture Liverpool have asked us to help to share a call out for Liverpool Black History Month Creative Commission grants.
Black History Month Creative Commission Grants
A small fund has been made possible with funding from UK Shared Prosperity fund. Culture Liverpool will be looking to award approximately 4-5 grant commissions. These will sit as part of a wider programme for BHM23
They are looking for ideas that will acknowledge, reflect, or celebrate Black History Month through:
The power of words and the telling of shared histories
• Performance (including Dance, Theatre, Spoken Word, Music)
• Visual Art exhibition
• Talks or panel discussion
• Alternative form of research presentation
• Workshops
Black History Month (BHM) is an annual programme of events, which takes place every October and aims to recognise the contribution and achievements of those with African or Caribbean heritage whose contribution and value maybe overlooked, ignored, or distorted. As part of this, we are inviting artists and creatives across the city the opportunity to create/produce an artistic piece, event or activity that can be hosted during this time and for inclusion on the Liverpool Black History Month website. Black History Month (BHM) returns in 2023, still working to ensure that issues of race, racism, and the invaluable contributions of Black individuals and communities to remain at the forefront of public consciousness. BHM23 stands in unwavering solidarity with all communities facing racism and marginalisation. We want our 2023 programme to spark change and celebrate the resilience of our communities through thought-provoking events, including art showcases, spoken word performances, dance, theatre and musical exhibitions, and panel discussions.
Who can apply?
• Liverpool based artist and or can demonstrate working with a Black community
• Freelance artists, small artist collectives or organisation
• Please be aware that you need all necessary insurances in place
• CAIP funded organisations. Please note COoL and Festival Forum organisations should apply to the City Grant fund opportunity being managed by Writing on the Wall.
How much can I apply for?
• The maximum amount available from the fund is £2000
• We anticipate that for most the commission award will be for between £300-1500.
• These grant commissions will sit as part of a wider programme for BHM23.
• Ideally the request will represent a contribution towards the cost of delivering a project or idea. For freelance artists, we appreciate that the request is likely to be for the full amount required to deliver a proposal.
What Makes a Strong Proposal?
• Artistic excellence
• Creatively interesting
• Artists of, or working with Black diasporas and in partnership with communities
• There are elements that can inform education or wider learning around Black History
Submitting an application
• Please complete the application HERE
What you will need to include:
• Name of artist/ group and contact details/ any social media links
• Title of your proposal/ activity
• A description of your Creative proposal/ activity/event and how it meets the above criteria.
• A budget highlighting artistic costs, venue hire, staff management, delivery costs and any other costs as appropriate
• Delivery plan (i.e. timescale of delivery, when thing will happen)
• Amount requested
• Total costs including any other funding or in-kind support you have secured for the delivery of the activity
N.B. This has been made possible thanks to the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, successful applicant will need to agree acknowledgement of this and use of logos etc. A max 2-page summary/ post BHM23 evaluation will also be required.
• August 2023 – request for proposals.
• 10am 28 August 2023 – deadline for proposals.
• First week of September 2023 funding decisions made, and applicants informed.
• Sept date tbc– marketing template submitted to Culture Liverpool for inclusion of the BHM23 activity on Culture Liverpool’s website. (A link for this will be provided)
• October 2023: BHM 23 programme
If you have any questions about this contact