The Viewing by Martin O’Brien & Sheree Rose

Martin O'Brien, Sheree Rose

19th November 2016 - 19th November 2016
The Viewing by Martin O’Brien & Sheree Rose

In 1995, Bob Flanagan and Sheree Rose conceived of a trilogy of works that addressed Flanagan’s inevitable early death from cystic fibrosis. He died in early 1996 with only one of the death trilogy realised.

In 2015, Martin O’Brien, who also has cystic fibrosis, collaborated with Rose to realise a version of the second part of the trilogy, Dust to Dust.

Now, 20 years since Flanagan’s death, Rose and O’Brien will complete the trilogy. The original concept was a posthumous piece in which Flanagan would be buried with a camera, allowing people to switch on a TV monitor and witness his body as it decays. In this version, Rose attends O’Brien, who is presented as a corpse. But there’s life in this meat yet. What happened to Flanagan will happen to him and eventually to us all.

Martin O’Brien and Sheree Rose’s 2016 UK appearances are co-presented by DaDaFest International: Skin Deep and SPILL Festival of Performance.

We recommend this event for those aged 18+. Please contact us for more details about the content of the performance.

The Viewing takes place over a 24 hour period, starting at 7pm on Saturday. You can visit in person throughout, or watch online at midnight on Saturday via a free livestream. The performance will be partly BSL Interpreted & Audio Described (7pm – 8pm).

Martin O’Brien and Sheree Rose’s 2016 UK appearances are co-presented by  DaDaFest International: Skin Deep and SPILL Festival of Performance.

School Lane
L1 3BX
United Kingdom
Telephone: 0151 702 5324
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