Chris Shapiro


22nd November 2021 - 09th January 2022
Chris Shapiro turns from behind to face camera resting arms across a stick which lies across their shoulders. Chris is topless with a shaved head.

Experience this artwork here.

Please provide feedback for the further development of this work for the artist using the form below.


You don’t get to choose your own family. More frustratingly, you don’t get to pick other peoples’ families either.

This is a game about meeting your partner’s family for the first time. Your partner who you love, and who loves you. Their family. Their family they’ve kinda already warned you is a bit…

Okay. That’s fine. At least you have a heads up. It probably won’t be that bad. They’re just nervous. It’ll be fine. Right?


This is not a game about intersectionality. It’s about non-intersectionality, and how it interacts with us.

Pay What You Decide

All DaDaFest Scratch 21 (DDFS21) shows are priced on a Pay What You Decide (PWYD) basis. This means that you can buy a ticket for any amount of money you like, including £0. After the show, you have the opportunity to make a donation of what you decide you want to or can afford to pay, based on your overall enjoyment of the performance.    

If you want to find out more about why we do this please click here

What is DaDaFest Scratch?

Scratch is an exciting opportunity, a creative space for disabled, Deaf and neurodivergent artists to showcase the early ideas of a piece of work. It is a place for them to discover, to discuss, to develop and to explore potential next steps.

Work developed for Scratch may go on to form part of our DaDaFest International Festival next year.

Come along and try out something new! Find out more.


Read our safety measures here.


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