DaDaFest International takes place in November and December to mark International Disability Day on 3 December every year. Countries across the globe hold events and celebrations on this date as a reminder to everyone that we are loud, proud and here! To celebrate this year’s International Disability Day, DaDaFest will be taking over the Museum of Liverpool with a huge variety of events and workshops for all to get involved in. The list of events and timings are still yet to be confirmed.
Confirmed arts activities include:
Movement workshops with Reetu Jain from India
Drumming workshop by Katumba Drumming from Liverpool
Singing / Signing performance and workshop by RiverSign Choir, From The Wirral
Performance by LIKEU Dance Company, The Wirral
Workshops with Faith Bebbington, Liverpool
Strolling performance by Jordan, DaDaFest Young Leader, Liverpool
Poetry sharing by Tammy Reynolds, Liverpool
Henna Tattooing
The takeover day is free to attend. Stay tuned to this page for further details.